Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Weekly Update - Programming

So while I was able to add some new components to the game, I wasn't nearly as efficient this week as I have been in the past. I was able to implement some temporary/basic assets so our game actually looks and feels somewhat like A GAME. I believe the lower level of efficiency this week was also caused by me having to go back and clean up some functionality methods in order for our game to even work (more will have to be done soon to :\ ), but I still was able to add a few new design capabilities and features! Here's a list of the features I added in the last week:

*Added new options/functionality to the file parser
*Fixed the behavior of the blocks created below the player after the power chain sequence
*Reworked how our game manages recycling resources
*Improved stability of collision checking
*Fixed the functionality of the power chain sequence/block generation!
*Implemented the system of the music speeding up/slowing down alongside the player's speed
*Added the Skybox with temporary assets into the scene

What I'm hoping to have done before Thursday is the following:

*A Game End-State
*Rework behaviors into classes for better variable management
*Allow for more dynamic shifting between speeds
       - How much they speed up
       - How long it takes for them before they advance to the next speed
*Discuss the appropriate behaviors for all instances of collision with the team and implement them into the game

Once these features have been implemented, all we'll need is a few more assets and we will have an official alpha build. From there it will just be ironing out the level designs and game flow pattern to really let the mechanics of Casablocka shine! I'm really excited for the coming weeks, because we'll finally be able to see our hard work pay off and hopefully get some helpful feedback from playtesting!

 Until next time!

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