Saturday, October 29, 2011

Programming Update Part 1 - 10/29

Howdy y'all. I just needed to make a post because I'm super excited about the following:

The controls/collisions are fixed.

As of now all the game is feeling WAY more fluid- and the solution was literally adding a line of code to the creation of player-related objects. I don't know why I didn't think of it before, but Brian gave me an idea in class that I ran with and figured out the solution:

Essentially it was to change all blocks collision detection regions and scale them. I seriously don't know why I didn't do this before, and I had a dumb system set up where the player tests their position related to the colliding object after they've collided (really stupid...). I guess because I was working with dynamic objects, I didn't see an opportunity/possibility of scaling the collider without scaling the gameObject.

Turns out you can do one line.

So I did it, but I did it slightly differently than Brian suggested:
Instead of doing it to all obstacle blocks, I did it to all player-related blocks: the player, stilts, left/right collider blocks. It seems to be working very well now :D

Team- I'm sorry it took so long for me to finally do this. Stupid David is stupid.
World- Be looking for some great changes come next week! Score blocks are gonna be super fun/tight once I'm done with them this weekend and assets are gonna start pouring into the world making the game really shine!

Goals for Tuesday/Time of Programming Update Part 2 post:
- Score Block fluidity (Add special collision cases due to natural difference in behavior)
- More Assets (Models/Sounds)
- Better Front/Back End Placeholders

Overachiever Goals:
- Transparent blocks when player is not visible
- Dynamic Camera Adjustment



1 comment:

  1. That sounds great David, I can't wait to test it out! Great job!!
