Sunday, October 9, 2011

Back in Action! - Programming Update

I will start this post by saying that after this past week, I was burned out. I've been working so much on this project (as well as other things) that I was beginning to not enjoy/appreciate programming this game as well as my other side projects- This caused me to take a small break where I just stepped back from the game and all programming related work and got outside and did non-computer things. This gave me a fresh perspective on my work and I'm re-energized just in time for the back end of the quarter!

As for updates to the game since my last post, here's what's up:

In time for the tissue testing (Wednesday night) I was able to add the following-
1) Collision testing for the stilts/heightened blocks
2) The ability to restart the game for convenience
3) An end-state for the game
4) More intimate variable control for designers to tweak with ease
5) Score keeping/tracking

These features allowed us to have a successful first test of the game with our testers. While I was on a programming high of getting all of these features in and working, they were overshadowed by another problem: The controls.

The controls worked. collisions worked. what was the problem? fluidity

The collision checking system was not only inefficient, but also too constraining. It gave no slack to the player to cut corners and make twitch movements to avoid obstacles. Most of the complaints/feedback we received about the game revolved around the controls being more flexible/forgiving. This was hard for me to hear and watch when having testers play, because it totally took away from the immersion and overall enjoyment of the game. That being said, I took the feedback well and (after my previously mentioned break) got to work on fixing this problem!

So tonight I fixed it, or at least I THINK I did. With the new functionality I was able to get through the two hardest test builds we made without getting hit (not SUPER hard, but it proved to be do-able finally!) I won't truly know until we get more playtesters to give fresh feedback and maybe have the dev team/old testers confirm the better feel. I'm very close to completely covering my tracks for the new collision/control system and I'm excited to show it to everyone on Tuesday!

1) Dynamic camera shifting based on environment
    This is a very important feature we need to add. When we start stacking blocks for a visual & challenging effect, players oftentimes have a hard time telling where they are or where there's an opening for them to maneuver through. I'm going to have the camera adjust appropriately for the player to be able to see his cube and dodge without an accidental hindrance.

2) Visual Flare
    I need to make the special blocks more in-tune with the rest of our piece. This will essentially be me toying with lighting to create visual feedback for the player to recognize important objects!

3) Bug Fixin's
    Self explanatory. There are a few that are very small (some not even noticed by the player), but present enough to potentially hinder the flow of play. I will exterminate these bugs ASAP

4) Score Conversion
    This isn't hard. Instead of displaying the players score in total update calls, display it in time. This gives meaning to the player and will allow them to better identify the goal for the game.

Hopefully I will have these things implemented in time for our next test (as of now I plan on it) so we can achieve the most effect results. Even though some of the feedback we got hit some nerves, it was all based around problems that are bound to be in a pre-alpha build. Most players said the game was fun when it was working as expected which made me VERY HAPPY! :D

This game is coming very well. I can't wait to see it continue to grow and present a fun experience to all who get to try it!


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