Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Globtrotter - Joe Dean

So my idea is more on the artsy side I think.

genre: 3D puzzle game

similar to: WarioWare meets Super Mario Galaxy

The premise of this game is that you are a space ship trapped on a glob. Globs are gooey little planet-like blobs that float in space. They come in clusters and the object of the game is to get from one glob to the next until you get to the end of the cluster. For a glob to release you though you have to please it. Globs are living goo planets with very strange and particular needs. needless to say they are frustrated. So every glob has a short task that the player must figure out and complete on its surface. Doing so pleases the glob and it sends you to that next one.

These tasks start out simple like moving a box from one side of the glob to the the hole on the other side, but quickly ramp up in to more complicated puzzles. They are physics based.

The idea is to figure out and do them as quickly as you can. I'm not sure what the proper motivation for the player should be but that is something we can figure out.

So the ship should have like 3 maybe 4 basic functions its can utilize to complete these tasks such as:

- tractor beam - to carry objects and what not

- a lazer - to destroy stuff or push objects that cant be destroyed

- and like maybe a Drill - to like pop over to the other side of the glob or something

Other than that the ship can just fly around the glob like its a planet.

as the game goes on the player would have to use these simple abilities by themselves at first, but later use them all in different combinations to progress.

It should feel fast pace like the WarioWare mini games, but have the kind of planet hopping aspect of super mario galaxy.

The flow of the game is more or less:

The player is presented with physical puzzle > player solves puzzle > continues to next puzzle > repeat

This is all I got so far, guys. Let me know what you think.

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