Thursday, November 10, 2011

Programming Update - 11/10/11

So we've made a lot of progress and we're basically polishing the level designs at this point. Nearly all of the sounds are set, with the exception of a few of the music cues bugging out. Here's what's left to do on the programming side of things:

*Fix/Finish implementing sounds
*Fix the collision checking for underneath the Player/Stilts
*Fix GUI/Menu on win screen
*Fix the collision checking for Stilts and Score Trigger Blocks
*Program animation functions for Joe's animations
*Implement saving high scores after quitting game (least of my priorities)

Sound programming has been giving me trouble, but I just need to step back from it for a day or so and not get too frustrated. The losing game condition w/ the curtains closing/sand bag dropping looks and sounds awesome (only thing missing is the music)! Here's what I got done these past few days

*Score blocks flash when they're about to change to normal obstacles
*Losing condition/cut-scene triggers and behaves appropriately
*Implemented new art/textured models
*In game high-scores

I won't lie- I'm burned out at this point. The flames still there, it's just I'm running out of wick to keep burning on. I'll make it through the quarter though, and Casablocka will be a fine piece of gameplay for us to all put our names on and be proud of :D


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